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Epic Action Photo Shoot

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

This month I got to do some modelling with talented digital artist and photographer Mouine Omari. Check out his amazing work here

I've not been in front of the camera for a while but Mouine is so much fun to work with and I knew he'd make me look badass and awesome.

We got some fantastic shots of my epic resting bitch face and I got to model one of the beautiful Bella Belly Dance Costumes that I own, which I have not been able to perform in because it weighs a tonne!

Which shot do you like best? I think it has to be the great balls of fire shot for me but the Viking one is also awesome (Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Call me?)

One thing that occurred to me as I was picking out what to wear is how different some costumes and props look like on camera. I remember going to a James Bond Props/Costumes Exhibit in London and when you see some of the items up close they look really really lame. But on camera for some reason they look great. Luckily Mouine's stuff is really realistic anyway but I bought a few things off and even they ended up looking quite good. It really is the truth that so much of the Arts is smoke and mirrors, especially if you have ever visited a film set. What looks amazing on screen, in real life only looks good from a couple of angles, then you walk around the back and realize it's all chipboard, plywood or a giant green screen.



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